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Why am I blogging so continuously? I honestly only used to do 2-3 blogs on blogger and I'd be so done. Here we are, my fifth blog. For various reasons I feel uncomfortable publishing it, but as a writer and part-time cat woman I feel obligated to publish it. It's not for the consumption of my family members, but more so for the consumption of the 70 percent of my female friends who have the same concern as I do.

Where's my happy ending?

We are approaching the abyss of my 21st Valentine's Day and my mom will be again playing the role of my Valentine (she still hasn't asked so all of this is very tentative..... if you're reading this mom just wanting to let you know that I want candy this year even if I'm a full adult). For a long long time it used to bother me being single on Valentine's Day and as a matter of fact it still does, just not as much. I have various friends who give this holiday less importance than I do. So why does Jackie, a self-proclaimed single-rights activist actually partake in the Hallmark holiday that is Valentine's Day? 

It started in second grade *cue flashback sequence, no seriously*

I happened to really enjoy receiving tiny cards with small and cheesy affirmations. My pride and joy was having my mom buy me a box of cards and filling them out to all my fellow classmates. However, I would give the cheesiest most ugly ones to the classmates I did not like. Anyways, in second grade I attended my first school dance. My crush, who shall not be named (for now) was going to be there.. I was very excited only to find that my mother insisted on picking my outfit. I wore a turtle neck with a fake flower pin and a red skirt. It was unfortunate, for many reasons. The main reason was because there is nothing more than I hate in this world more than turtle necks. As I proceeded to attend such dance, I found myself running in circles around my crush. Let's be honest, not much has changed.

I. still. run. in. circles. 

The point is, as I grew I liked what Valentine's Day stood for. I like the concept of one day where we just love each other and value our significant other. It's not just about having a boyfriend/girlfriend, it's about love. For one day, we set aside our responsibilities and dedicate our time (and money) to the people we care about the most. This isn't to say you shouldn't do this everyday. It's nice that the day is built-in our calendars.  

I do acknowledge that for some single people it's agonizing. I can completely relate. In tenth grade, my friend and I exchanged gifts just so we wouldn't feel so singled-out in high school as everyone else was giving gifts to their partners. (See what I did there singled-out?) I just want everyone to see the bright side to Valentine's Day. I like the cheesy hearts in every aisle. I love seeing plush animals and chocolate in all shapes and sizes. I especially like the use of the color pink. Single people need to reclaim their voice. Let's end the whole "you need a relationship to be happy." Let's stop looking at the #relationshipgoals. It's time to focus on the bigger picture.

That is, that regardless whether you're with someone or not, you are loved. 

When I say loved, I mean you are loved to no ends, no bounds, no limits. Your friends, family, but most importantly God loves you. He loves you enough to save you for the right person. I know relationships from an exterior perspective are viewed as amazing, but there is a lot of hard work in all of them. There is an equivalence of compromise and trying to understand another personality. All my friends who are in relationships have never said it was easy. So let's celebrate the fact that this Valentine's Day us singletons do not have to compromise. Let's go out in full Bridget Jones style and enjoy the fact that we may eventually become 30-year-old spinsters (that's only applicable for me). Let's just have our cake and eat it too. I usually now make my Valentine's Day a night out to enjoy my friends. I want to enjoy the people who have been courageous and patient enough to withstand all my nonexistent drama. Gather some friends and just enjoy them. Go buy yourself a chocolate heart and maybe some wine (if you're old enough). Enjoy the day and even if you hate it, it's only 24 hours. It'll be over before you know it. I recommend embracing it. 

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